In the field stories

Traveling safely through icy Greenland with the help of NRENs

The Greenland Community Ice Information Service

Imagine being a hunter or a traveller in Northern Greenland needing to navigate safely across the ice in the coastal waters of the region. Even in this harsh environment the Internet and smartphone apps can be of use: The Greenland Community Ice Information Service provides satellite-based up-to-date information to plan a safe trip.

With near real-time ice information you can select the shortest route around ice ridges and open water. This not only helps minimise travel time, fuel costs and equipment wear, it also increases the safety of travel, particularly as traditional knowledge of the ice is becoming less reliable than before, due to climate change.

It all begins with Copernicus, the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme. Curious to learn more about this service? And how GÉANT and German NREN DFN support Copernicus in gathering data? Read it in our latest In The Field blog.

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