
SIG-CISS meets at CERN this month: register NOW!

Register today for the forthcoming meeting of the Special Interest Group on Cloudy Interoperable Software Stacks (SIG-CISS) .

SIG-CISS is ready to welcome participants from the community at its fourth meeting, which will be kindly hosted by CERN in Geneva on 28-29 May.

The agenda will cover a wide variety of topics such as cross-national collaborations, IaaS and data-lake systems. You may also be interested to know that this meeting follows the very interesting OpenStack Days at CERN. We look forward to continuing the stimulating debates and discussions started in Berlin last November.

Please note there are still places and a couple of agenda slots are still available, so if you have any suggestions, do share them with us! Also, by attending SIG-CISS you will have a special opportunity to visit one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research.

Further information on how to register, the meeting’s agenda, accommodation and travel can be found following the links on this page.

The group’s steering committee looks forward to welcoming you at CERN!

For any other questions, you can also contact the SIG-CISS coordinator: Casper Dreef.

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